Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

These are unprecedented times we are now facing nationally and globally.  I pray that you and your family members are doing well.  As we journey together through this pandemic known as “COVID 19”, may we do so with the full understanding that this did not take God Almighty by surprise.  He still sits on the throne.  He still heals.  His Word will not return void.  May you have His comfort and His peace while the world around you may be quite the opposite.  Psalm 91 and Psalm 121 have provided rest for my soul these days, especially verses 9-10 in Psalm 91 and the opening verses of Psalm 121.  But, read them both in their entirety.  It’s good medicine.  Be encouraged by the promises of God!

Only revival from God is true revival.  Planned “revival” weeks in any church are produced by man.  I’m not against the idea of a church having a revival week.  At least it is an effort to strengthen the body of Believers.  However, in my experience, these week-long events are filled with man made programs, timed sessions of worship, prayer, and/or Bible study, and other agenda items that may not have God at the center of them.  Hopefully, churches gain something from this week-long experience, but if it was man who created the idea of a revival, the timing of the revival (Monday, 9 am through Friday, 5 pm), and all of the components of the revival, it is probably not revival birthed by God.

The first century probably had the strongest body of Believers the world has ever known.  After Christ ascended to the Father, and the Day of Pentecost arrived bringing the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus had promised, this group caught fire and changed the world.  Acts 2:41 (NASB) records that in one day, in one setting, “…there were added about three thousand souls.”  Acts 2:47 (HCSB) states, “And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved.”  Acts 6:7 (ESV) reads, “And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.”  Acts is truly God-revival in the hearts of all Believers in Jesus.  It is an amazing book about an amazing time and an amazing God who was at the center of it all.

Dear friends, what will the Church look like after COVID-19?  We will certainly experience that long-anticipated surge of celebration as life returns to “normal” and we resume the multitude of activities that all of us currently long for.  But, will the Church look the same as it did this past January 1, 2020?  I hope not!  To clarify, there are many wonderful churches doing many wonderful things for the body of Christ.  Hallelujah!  But, I truly pray that all churches, worldwide, will experience an Acts God-revival; that the saints of God will view the purpose of “church” and their own personal calling in a new, powerful, unique, and Holy Spirit-filled way.  In Revelation 21:5 (NKJV), Jesus says, “Behold, I make all things new.”  Is He making you new at this time?  Will the Church be “new” upon its physical return?  I pray the answer is “Yes!” for each response.  I also pray that our world will soon be on fire for Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Savior!

Copyright 2020 Michael Callahan Ministries, LLC