Welcome to Michael Callahan Ministries!  Thank you for taking the time to visit my site.  I appreciate it.
I’m extremely excited about what God is doing in my life!  Please allow me to share.

I have always had a love for the Church.
The Church was, and I would like to believe is still, a safe place.
In this setting, God’s people gather to pray, sing, and worship the King of kings.
This vital institution is filled with various ministry opportunities if one dares to become involved.
The Church is to be cherished and bragged upon as it has changed, for the good, the lives of many.

Jesus is the hope for salvation but the Church is the hope for the world where one may find Him.
I have now purposed to do whatever I can to help the Church spiritually grow with the gifts God has given me.
May I ask you to do one thing for me?  Please pray!
I know the enemy hates what I am venturing out to do but there are souls who are perishing.

Please contact me if I can be of any assistance to the growth of your church body.

God bless you!